Study Abroad and Internship Opportunities in Mexico: Informative Session
When: Monday Feb 6, 2017, 6pm Where: Room 1.10, FW Building Our speakers were:
Three King's Day: Rosca de Reyes
When: Tuesday Jan 10, 2017 6:30pm Where: Waterfront Bar & Kitchen, On the day of the Epiphany, Latin Americans get together to slice a bread shaped as the crown of the Three Kigns. Inside the bread, there are figures of Baby Jesus. Whoever gets one of these figures in their slice is morally obligated to invite everyone else for Tamales on February 2nd. |
Mexican Posada (Christmas celebration)
When: Saturday December 10, 2016 Where: London House (Large Common Room), Goodenough College, Mecklenburgh Square, London WC1N 2AB Time: 18:00-22:00 Thanks to a collaboration with the LSE and UCL Mexican societies and the Goodenough Latin American Society. This celebration included Piñatas, carol singing, tamales hot fruit punch. |
Mexican Cooking Class
When: Tuesday Nov 15, 2016 Where: Activity Room 5, West Wing, Guy's Campus, King's College London Time: 7-8pm OneWorld event funded by KCLSU for Mexican food lovers! On this event we taught you how to prepare authentic guacamole, chilaquiles and salsa. Want the recpes? Download them here: ![]()